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Performing Groups

orchestra concert

Music Performance Ensembles

Music majors: 参加许多合唱团都可以获得奖学金. Below you'll find SBU有各种各样的大型和小型器乐和声乐合奏.

Non-music majors: 即使作为一名非音乐专业的学生,你仍然可以 audition for various ensembles. Scholarships are available for participation in vocal and instrumental ensembles.

Choral and Vocal Studies

  • Chorale 这所大学的首演合唱团在各地进行了广泛的演出 the state, the country, and the world. This selectively auditioned ensemble also performs 定期为主要音乐教育和教派会议. The choir specializes 从文艺复兴到现代以及非西方的无伴奏音乐 European traditions.
  • SBU Worship - SBU敬拜是一个当代基督教敬拜团体,在各地巡回演出 整个学年带领敬拜、门徒现堂及多项宣教计划. 由声乐家和器乐家组成,有很多机会 the service to the Lord.
  • Masterworks Chorus — SBU Music presents the Masterworks concert each year. The presentation involves 学校的合唱团,教师独奏家,SBU管弦乐队,春田交响乐团 成员,来自SBU交响乐团的乐器演奏家,以及地区音乐家. 
  • Opera Theatre — Opera Theatre is open to all students by audition. The course is a place in which 歌手发展与歌剧和/或音乐剧曲目相关的表演技能 and prepare solo and ensemble work for performance. Performances consist of one minor 生产在秋季,一个主要生产在春季. Opera scenes are performed 每年秋季和春季都有完整的演出,两者交替进行 an operatic show and a music theatre show. Music theatre shows are performed in collaboration with the SBU Theatre program.
  • University Singers -这个未经试镜的合唱团提供强化的学习和表演 体验各种合唱曲目,并向学生,教师, staff, and community singers.

Instrumental Studies

  • Brass Ensembles - SBU在秋季和春季学期提供各种铜管乐队. Available 合奏包括铜管合唱团,铜管五重奏,小号四重奏,长号四重奏,和 Tuba/Euphonium Quartet. (可用的合奏的数量和类型是依赖的 upon student interest.铜管乐手可以学到铜管乐器的精妙之处 instruments. 参与增加了对整体概念的认识和信心 在个人能力上,发展出铜管的习惯特点 合奏的通过定期演出演奏的,通常与其他合奏组合在一起. Participation is open to all interested brass instrumentalists. 
  • Chamber Orchestra -室内乐团是由音乐专业和非音乐专业的学生组成的合奏团. Dedicated 为了达到音乐卓越的最高水平,乐团演奏了广泛的曲目 从巴洛克到当代的弦乐和管弦乐团设置. 演出包括每年的大师作品音乐会,以展示 主要的合唱作品为全乐团,合唱团和独奏家.
  • Clara Fuson String Quartet 克拉拉·富森弦乐四重奏的成立是为了培养四位有天赋的弦乐演奏家 有机会演奏世界上广泛的弦乐四重奏曲目. 克拉拉·福森弦乐四重奏在SBU的活动和婚礼,音乐会演出 and banquets on campus and in the surrounding area. The quartet is named after Clara 福森是斯普林菲尔德大学高地浸信会的创始成员之一, 他是一名学校教师,也是一名训练有素的小提琴手,曾在斯普林菲尔德交响乐团演奏 many years.
  • Jazz Ensemble — The Jazz Ensemble rehearses two hours per week. Students perform the standard jazz 乐队曲目以及为大乐队乐器创作的当代图表: 萨克斯,小号,长号,钢琴,贝斯,吉他和鼓. Selected students may perform in a jazz combo as well. Improvisation is encouraged, although it is not a requirement for the audition. 这个乐团每学期举办一到两场音乐会, 包括偶尔的“爵士教堂”节目,作为大学教堂的特色 schedule.
  • Marching Band -从2023年秋天开始,SBU军乐队已经 延续了SBU音乐,体育和学术卓越的光荣历史 uniting all three areas within its ranks. The marching band performs during football games, the Homecoming parade, and other local events. Students do not need to be music 专业人士参加,以及对鼓线、喇叭线或颜色感兴趣的人 guard are invited to try out. 
  • Pep Band Pep Band是一个为SBU足球队表演的精选音乐家组织 games and men’s and women's basketball games. This popular and enthusiastic group 也曾随队参加过MIAA锦标赛. The ensemble is open by audition to any student at SBU who participates in Wind Symphony.
  • Percussion Ensemble 打击乐乐团为整个打击乐部分演奏各种各样的音乐 — drums, keyboard, metallic and wooden instruments. Several performances are given throughout the year. The group is open to all percussionists.
  • Wind Symphony 管乐交响乐团由该校最好的木管乐器、铜管乐器和乐器组成 percussion players. 探索传统和当代的管乐和打击乐作品, 这个乐团以其一贯的高水平表演而闻名. Annual tour 停留地点包括密苏里州和周边各州的学校和教堂,包括 在布兰森(从他的荣耀中跌落)和密苏里音乐教育家协会演出 Convention at Tan-Tar-A Resort in Osage Beach. An audition is required.
  • University Band -大学乐队对所有SBU以前有高中乐队的学生开放 experience. 重点是对音乐会乐队作品的学习和演奏. No 参加这个演出音乐会的合奏团需要试镜 campus. 
  • Woodwind Ensembles 在音乐领域,许多木管乐团在任何给定的情况下都是活跃的 semester; typically, these have included flute quartet, woodwind quintet, clarinet quartet, saxophone quartet, and woodwind trio. The ensembles are coached by SBU faculty 并为音乐专业的学生和非音乐专业的学生提供探索的机会 为木管乐器室内乐谱写的丰富多样的曲目.

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